There is a fine line between organizing and decorating but…to put it simply… organize with neutral tones, decorate with pops of color. Try an experiment for me…..walk over to your kitchen and open the drawer that has your dishtowels in it. My guess? You have a hodgepodge of mismatched cloths in there. I promise it isn’t that it is disorganized so much as it looks that way because of all the color. If you were to take all of those cloths out and replace them with bright white dish cloths you won’t be able to help but love how organized it looks.
White dishcloths are a dime a dozen. Grab yourself some, then when you have them all neatly tucked away in your drawer…it’s ok to pinch your self and do the happy dance…you just organized!
Go back and look at all of your pinterest posts on organization. I bet what you don’t see is tons of different colors staring you in the face. What you do see are soft and calming neutrals tones.
The long and short of it….when you organize, do it in neutrals like grey and white. When you are decorating your home, add those pops of color.