SO……back in ancient times when smart phones were first coming of age…I remember walking into my bathroom. For whatever reason my bathroom had ended up as the home for the laundry “to do” pile. The laundry seemed like an unending skyscraper of nasty dirty underwear, towels and sweaty sports jerseys. In that moment, I grabbed my flip phone and did the only thing a girl could do. I called my mom. “Mom, if I had a smart phone that could take a picture of me right now, I would stand on top of this never ending pile of clothes and caption it with…I’m finally on top of the laundry!
I often get asked about how I handle the crazy amounts of laundry in our home. The following is what seems to be working for us…at least for now.
Each of our 8 children is assigned a day to do laundry. And…guess what? If you miss your day sweet dear teenager, you may have to wear your smelly clothes out with your friends, or sleep in your dirty sheets for another week. …For whatever reason teenagers don’t like to do that, so they keep up with it for the most part.
Monday – Teenager 1
Tuesday – Teenager 2
Wednesday – Teenager 3
Thursday – Child 4 and 5
Friday – Child 6, 7, and 8
Saturday – Mom, Dad, towels, and ironing.
Each of the older children has 2 laundry baskets assigned to them. One for lights and one for darks. The younger ones can fit everything into one basket during the week which works nicely. The teenagers do their own laundry as do child 4 and 5. I really only have to help do laundry on Friday and Saturday which frees me up during the week to eat chocolate and watch Fixer Upper. HAHA! The only extra thing that needs a spot is the towels which have their own basket.
The child assigned to do laundry as their chore walks around the house and makes sure that if there are any laundry items that those items are placed in the proper basket for the proper laundry day. (ie dish towels, random socks, etc.)
The best part…my bathroom no longer is the home for the laundry “to do” pile!